Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Since there is currently no teaching happening (thank you, summer), there are no new "adventures in teaching" to report. However, there's a decent amount of movie-watching going on; I guess this is obvious, as I started this blog as a result of said activity.

Last night, while assisting in the construction of an Ikea bed, I watched "I Love You, Man," which was just as funny on my "vintage" miniature college dorm room tv as it was on the big screen. Even though I don't call people "Jobin" or use the phrase "totes ma goats" in conversation, I find myself relating to the character of Peter Klavin. He's a guy without male friends, and I find myself as a girl, in all honesty, without many female friends. At one point, Peter asks his brother: "How do you meet friends? It's such a weird concept." So, so true.

Peter eventually develops a wonderful bromance, which allows him to rock out to Rush, walk a puggle around Venice Beach, and go hiking in the woods. All the while, the women have "girls night" and talk about guys. The movie shows two different worlds - the guy world and the girl world. I wonder why women always seem to be shown as a variation of "Sex and the City," a show which I more than despise. I'll take the bromance, please.

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